
OpenAthens is built on international standards. Our fully supported software and ITIL accredited service desk ensure these standards are maintained for all our customers.

The OpenAthens service desk provides 1st and 2nd line support to customers in over 60 countries. Our support team strives to deliver the best possible experience for our customers and our service portal can be accessed 24/7 x 365.

life ring on wall

Technical support

Normal opening hours:

Our service desk is open Monday-Friday 02:00-22:00 (UK time).

To speak to the service desk call: (+44) (0)300 121 0043.

To resolve problems related to your administrator credentials, send an email to

Man working on laptop on bench

Having issues accessing a resource?

If you think a resource isn’t working as expected, check our resource status page for the most up-to-date information. You can subscribe to email updates, just hit the subscribe button on the page.

Check the resource status page
telephone on cord

For help and support with…

Your licence:
Terms and Conditions:
Forgotten administrator login:
Operation of your administrator area: Support portal
Installing or configuring OpenAthens: Support portal
Student using laptop for taking notes to study