
Download the OpenAthens logo for use on your website or other publications.

Logos on a screen blurred


OpenAthens logo

Click the logo to download a copy (right-click and save as when it opens):

OpenAthens logo in green

OpenAthens logo in purple

OpenAthens logo in hot pink

OpenAthens logo in navy

OpenAthens logo in grey

OpenAthens logo in black

OpenAthens Athena icon

For use as a login button, favicon, or directing users to login using OpenAthens.

Click the logo to download a copy (right-click and save as when it opens):

OpenAthens Athena icon in white on green background

OpenAthens Athena icon in white on purple background

OpenAthens Athena icon in white on pink background

If you would like a different file format, such as an .eps, please contact the marketing team.

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Our story

OpenAthens has been providing remote access and authentication solutions for over 25 years. Used worldwide by over 2,600 academic, healthcare, corporate research libraries, publishers, and service providers to provide access to knowledge. We’re based in the UK and are a part of Jisc.

Read our story