Wayfinder organizational discovery service

Free to all library and publisher platform providers

Man using laptop to login

Simplify access to your online content

Why do you need Wayfinder? Publishers are losing revenue on subscriptions because it’s easier for people to get access to stolen content on pirate sites.

Why is this happening? Well, one of the main reasons is that the login experience for most people is very poor. For example, it’s very common for researchers to be confronted with a long list of identity federation or organisation names to choose from in order to login. This is where we can help.

Our organization discovery service ‘Wayfinder’ makes single sign-on a piece of cake.  Researchers can log-in simply and securely to access the many online resources their organization subscribes to, whilst keeping their privacy intact.

Choose Wayfinder to give people a simpler, better user experience – wherever they are in the world.

Need more support?

Our team of experts can help you to:

  • Comply with RA21 recommended practices,
  • Implement and integrate with the SeamlessAccess service
  • Improve user experience and access to online content through our health check service.
Give us a call today to find out more

Key features and benefits

  1. Easily searchable

    Geo-location and a simple search enable people to easily find their home organization to log in.

  2. It's free!

    Our hosted version is free to all publishers and library platform providers and plays well with other solutions eg. Shibboleth.

  3. Simple and straight-forward

    Easy to deploy and manage, so you can focus on other things. Read our help docs to get started.

  4. Good memory

    Remembers people’s last login choice, making it even easier for them to get access to the content they need.

  5. Versatile

    An embedded and overlay version are also available as part of our Keystone service for publishers. We’re working really hard to make these versions available for free too, so that anyone in the world can use them.

  6. Plays nicely with the SeamlessAccess service

    We’ve successfully integrated Wayfinder with the SeamlessAccess service, ensuring an even more simple journey for users.

Three students looking at laptops. IOP Publishing pilot Wayfinder integration with the SeamlessAccess service.
Interoperability icon

IOP Publishing UX integration boosts usage rates via federated access

Hear how IOP Publishing improved user experience and increased usage of IOP Science by integrating Wayfinder with the the SeamlessAccess service.

Enabling Wayfinder

Enabling OpenAthens Wayfinder for customers:

To learn how to enable Wayfinder into your site if you are an OpenAthens customer, follow the guidance within our documentation. 

I am a customer, how do I enable Wayfinder?

Enabling OpenAthens Wayfinder for non-customers:

The hosted version of Wayfinder is free to use even if you are not an OpenAthens customer. For information on how to enable Wayfinder if you are not an OpenAthens customer, follow the guidance within our documentation. 

I am not a customer, how do I enable Wayfinder?

Get in touch

We will use the contact details you provide to us to send you information about our products and services.

You can opt out of our emails at any time by using the link in the emails and you can view our privacy policy.

All required fields are marked with '*'

  • Current authentication method
  • Have your customers made a request for OpenAthens?
  • How did you hear about OpenAthens?