Secure single sign-on made easy. For you and your customers.

With over 25 years experience, we’re leading experts in federated single sign-on services worldwide. We understand the challenges publishers face in delivering access to data and information to those who need it.

Leave all the tricky technical work to us!

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OpenAthens for publishers and service providers

Watch to find out how OpenAthens helps publishers and service providers
Developer on laptop. Technical expertise

Expertise you can rely on

We make it simple and easy for you to provide remote access to your resource or service from any location. Our tailored support solutions will help you with complex technical set-up and systems integration.

Our experts and range of value-added consultancy services can help you improve user experience and support your business goals.

Benefit from our technical expertise
Two people sat around a desk looking at a reporting tool displayed on a laptop

Discover our new reporting tool for publishers

The service provider dashboard has brand new reporting functionality available to publishers and service providers. The new tool has been designed to collate granular data, helping you create custom reports, identify turn-away data, and provide valuable insights for your sales team.

How can our reporting tool help you?

"We expected it to be complex, and that was a benefit of using the consultancy."

John Leopold, software engineering manager, IOP Publishing
Group of people around a table

Global access to your content and services

Our identity federation is the only one in the world that allows membership from any country or sector. Join our 2,600 strong members and expand access to more than 4 million users worldwide in the academic, government, healthcare, pharmaceutical and corporate markets.

Find out more about joining
User experience. People working with laptop.

Keystone single sign-on

Millions of people can potentially benefit from the digital content you’ve created. Your job is to ensure they have the best user experience in accessing it. OpenAthens Keystone gives your customers simple and secure access to your online services, anytime and anywhere.

If you’re looking for a simple solution to federated single sign-on and want to move away from less secure IP-based access, OpenAthens Keystone provides the perfect solution.

Find out more about Keystone
Wayfinder example: IOP science

Wayfinder organizational discovery service

Researchers’ login experience on most publisher sites is very poor. All too often, they are confronted with numerous login options and too many steps to login.

Our organizational discovery service ‘Wayfinder’ makes single sign-on a piece of cake.  Researchers login simply and securely to access the many online resources their organization subscribes to, whilst keeping their privacy intact.

Get Wayfinder for free

Publisher and service provider case studies

IOP Publishing

IOP Publishing simplifies and modernises the way it offers federated access to content

Read our IOP case study
Two people using a whiteboard

OpenAthens helps leading UK media group open up new UK and international markets

Read our MAG case study
Pediatrics. Female doctor with mother and child.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): A ‘set and forget’ single sign-on solution

Read our AAP case study
Person thinking

How do I get an OpenAthens account?

Learners or researchers, you will need to speak to the library or information management team at your organization about access to online journals and databases.

How to get an OpenAthens account

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