Customer tools

You'll find all the useful links related to our products and services in one place. Service status page, documentation, and more!

Laptop with OpenAthens product displaying reporting functionality

Helpful resources

  • Having issues accessing a resource? If you think a resource isn’t working as expected, check our resource status page for the most up-to-date information. You can subscribe to email updates, just hit the subscribe button on the page.
  • Need some help? Need to speak to our support team? Raise a ticket and they’ll be in touch.
  • Looking for our how-to documentation? Just getting started with OpenAthens? Or want to find out how we integrate with a third-party application? Find all this and more on our documentation site.
  • All onboard. Our library onboarding guide, admin training and other resources help new customers get setup quickly and easily.
  • Publisher onboarding. If you are a publisher looking for more information on how to implement OpenAthens, check out our onboarding guide.
  • Need to generate an OpenAthens link? Use our simple link generator to create access links for specific articles, unique to your organization. Read more about OpenAthens links on our help area.
  • Want to use our logo? We’re happy for you to use our logo or icon on promotional material or help guides. Can’t see a size or file type you need? Just ask!
  • Federation information. Need an organization or entity/scope ID? Find it on our OpenAthens Federation members list.
PolicyMap future-proof access. Man using laptop to search mapping analytics tool.

Share your ideas with us!

We’re always looking to improve, and your feedback matters! We’d love to hear from you. Share your ideas or vote for the ones you love on the OpenAthens ideas portal. Your suggestions will help shape the future of our products and guide our development. 

Vist our ideas portal

Getting you up and running

New to OpenAthens? Watch our short video to find out more about how we can help you provide remote access to content

Also available in Simplified Chinese and Spanish.

Watch our library product demo to find out more about our usage statistics tool and how our product connects to your existing SSO infrastructure to enable a more seamless user experience.

Person on the phone for support
Two people using a laptop

What publishers and service providers are we compatible with?

Search our database of publishers and service providers that are compatible with the OpenAthens service. Filter on those that are in identity federations, or compatible with the OpenAthens Redirector or managed proxy.

Search for compatible providers

Get in touch

Want to speak to your account manager?

We will use the contact details you provide to us to send you information about our products and services.

You can opt out of our emails at any time by using the link in the emails and you can view our privacy policy.

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  • How did you hear about OpenAthens?